Introduction to Programming Using Python, Y. Daniel Liang

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Chapter 23 Weighted Graph ApplicationsSection

23.1 2 Representing Weighted Graphs

1. A WeightedEdge object contains the public data fields _______.
A. u
B. v
C. weight
D. length

23.2  The adjacent edge for each vertex in the graph is stored in _________.
A. an ArrayList
B. a LinkedList
C. a PriorityQueue
D. a Stack

Section 23.3 The WeightedGraph Class
23.3  The WeightedGraph is a subtype of _________.
A. UnweightedGraph
B. AbstraGraph
C. Graph
D. WeightedEdge

Section 23.4 Minimum Spanning Trees
23.4  True or False? A graph may have several minimum spanning tree.
A. True
B. False

23.5  The MST class is subtype of __________.
B. AVLTree
C. AbstractGraph.Tree
D. Tree

23.6  The getMinimumSpanningTree() method returns __________.
A. an ArrayList
B. a LinkedList
C. a queue
D. a MST

Section 23.5 Finding Shortest Paths
23.7  A ___________ of a graph is a subgraph that is a tree and connects all vertices in the graph.
A. spanning tree
B. shorted path

23.8  The ShortestPathTree class is subtype of __________.
B. AVLTree
C. AbstractGraph.Tree
D. Tree

23.9  The getShortestPath() method returns __________.
A. an ArrayList
B. a LinkedList
C. a ShortestPathTree
D. a MST